What does “Accreditation status” mean?
It is advised that you always verify the accreditation status of the college you wish to study at. In South Africa, education providers are monitored and regulated by the Department of Education.
Is HillCross College Registered and Accredited?
HillCross College is both REGISTERED and ACCREDITEED. The College is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training and accredited by the following accreditation bodies;
- MICT SETA - Media, Information and Communication Technologies Sector Education and Training Authority
- SASSETA - Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority
- LGSETA - Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority
- PSETA - Public Service Sector Education and Training Authority
- TETA - Transport Education Training Authority
- QCTO - Quality Council for Trades and Occupations
- ICB - Institute of Certified Bookkeepers
- ITHSA - Chartered Institute of Tourism and Hospitality
- Umalusi
How can I apply to the College?
Application can be made online from our website or by using our App which can be downloaded from Google Playstore. Paper application is also possible at the College.
How much is the application and registration fee?
Application is FREE but registration is R850 for South Africans, R1000 for students from SADEC countries and R1500 for students from other parts of the world
What documents are needed during registration?
Registration documentation requirement are as follows:
- Certified Matric result (Some courses require grade 10 – 11)
- Certified ID document or Passport/Asylum for foreign students
- Certified ID document of sponsor (where applicable)
- Certified Proof of residence
- 2 ID photos
- Registration fees (payable during registration)
Can foreign students apply to study at the College?
Yes, applications from foreign students are welcome. We have lots of foreign already studying with us!
How can I download the HillCross College App?
The App can be downloaded from Google Playstore. You simply need to go to Google Playstore, type "HillCross College" then you can download the App.
Can enrol if I don’t have a South African ID but have a birth certificate?
Yes, you can enrol and study
Does the College have a whatsapp number?
Yes, we do. It is 0605233391
How do I apply for a scholarship/bursary?
Application for study and application for scholarship/bursary are treated as the same thing. A single application will be enough.
If I don’t qualify for the FULL scholarship/bursary, what can I qualify for?
Click on this link for detailed information about how our scholarship/bursary work: https://hillcrosscollege.com/scholarship-opportunity-at-hbc/
How many times do you admit students in a year?
For Business Programs:
We have 2 admissions period which is January and July admission periods.
For Engineering:
We have 3 admissions periods which January, April and August
Do you offer scholarship/bursary to foreign students?
Yes, we offer scholarships to foreign students, but priority is given to South African students
What type of courses/qualifications are offered at the College?
We offer the following types of courses/qualifications;
- Higher Certificate
- National Diploma and
- Advanced Diploma
What are the courses I can study as distance learning?
Please contact any of our student advisor for more details.
What APS score is needed by the College for admission?
None! You simply need to pass matric.
I am currently in Matric (Grade 12) can I apply?
Yes, you can apply to keep a space for yourself. However, it is your responsibility to provide the College with a certified copy of your final results as soon as they become available so the assessment of your application may be completed.
Are there courses I can study without Matric?
Yes, there are lots of them but please contact our student advisor for more details.
Does the College accept late applications?
Late applications will be accepted and considered after the 31st of December for January admission and 30th of June for July admissions however, there is no guarantee that there will be space available in your selected program. Hence, we advise students to apply early.
Does the College offer matric rewrite tutorials?
Yes, we do.
How long does it take to complete a program at the College?
It depends on the chosen program of study but generally it takes 18 – 24 months to complete.
Does HillCross College offer short courses?
Yes, we offer a lot of short courses.
I have already done N4 or N5 or both Ns from another College, can I finish up at the College?
Yes, it is possible.
Can I study an engineering program without pure mathematics and physical sciences?
Yes, it is possible, but you will have to start from level N1. The engineering Diploma program runs up to Level N6 each N level takes 3 - 4 months to complete.
Can I study an engineering program without Matric?
Yes, it is possible, but you will have to start from level N1. The engineering Diploma program runs up to Level N6 each N level takes 3 - 4 months to complete.
Can I study an IT program without pure mathematics and physical sciences?
Yes, you can study our IT program without them, but you will have to go through a bridging course.
Can I study the Financial Accounting/Management program without Accounting and Business Studies in Matric?
Yes, you can study our Financial Accounting program without them, but you will have to start from level NQF 3.
Can I study further after completing my program at the College?
Yes, and you will get credit for the modules you have already studied at the College.
Can I enrol for more than one course at a time?
Yes, it is possible depending on the program you want to study simultaneously. Feel free to contact the College for more info.
What are the study modes available at the College?
Registered students can study via;
- Full time
- Part time (Weekdays and Saturdays) and by
- Distance Learning
How do I pay my fees?
Fees can be paid once as a lump sum or in instalments. There is a maximum of 6 instalments per semester because a semester is made of 6 months.
How many branches does the College have?
We are in Johannesburg and Pretoria.
Does the College have student accommodation?
Yes, we have rentable and affordable student accommodation.
How will distance learning students write their exams?
This will depend on the program of study and module involved.
Do you help your students to find work once they are done with their course?
Yes, we do use our industry contacts to assist our graduates, but it is based on availability.
Does the College offer learnerships and internships?
Yes, we do but based on availability
How will attending HillCross College benefit me?
As a HillCross College graduate, you will gain integrated theoretical and practical experience, exposure to your chosen industry as well as a meaningful qualification as part of an affordable education.
What practical experience will you acquire on completing one of our programmes?
All our programmes have a very large percentage of practical components. Engaging in practical training is one of the prerequisites for obtaining our qualification