Tuition Fees Discount
The College also offers tuition discount to already registered students who are studying at the college. Tuition discount could be as high as 50% in confirmable situation of financial distress during your study.
We understand that College study of any kind is a big financial commitment and at HBC we aim to provide you with effective support and advice.
HBC offers a discount up to 10% for the full advance payment of Tuition Fees if you meet the following conditions:
- You must be a full-time student and
- Fully self-funded.
(i.e. you are personally responsible for paying your fees and are receiving no other funding i.e. scholarships or your fee has already been discounted)
Loyalty Discount
HBC is pleased to recognise the relations and personal loyalty shown by registration on multiple diplomas by siblings, children of alumni and spouses studying together or alumni studying for additional diplomas.
Who is eligible?
- A graduate of HBC who registers on a subsequent privately funded diploma programme at HBC.
- A second or subsequent sibling(s) (brother or sister) register(s) on a privately funded diploma programme at HBC. When second or subsequent sibling(s) register(s) on a privately funded diploma programme at HBC,
- A child of an alumnus registered on a privately funded diploma programme at HBC.
- Spouses who register for diploma programmes at the same time or where study overlaps, and at least one tuition fee is privately funded. Evidence of the relationship will entitle one discount of 10% of the tuition fees which may be payable to either the spouse, or shared equally between them. Registration must be at the same time or overlapping.