About the School of Governance & Leadership at HBC
The programs in the School of Governance and Leadership Studies are designed to provide learners with the necessary skills, practical proficiency and sound understanding in all government areas which includes leadership, administration, budgeting, finance, and economic and policy development and many more.
It is important that individuals in the Public Sector are trained in all three spheres of governance not only to become specialists in their respective disciplines, but also that they may understand how government processes work.
At the School of Governance and Leadership Studies we understand and focus on capacity building for good governance. Students are prepared for specialist and leading roles not only within the Public but also in Non-Governmental Organisations.
Registered students are exposed to the combination of academic and experiential learning during their period of study at the College.
You will develop the leadership and management skills. You will be able to manage people efficiently and how to inspire them for the productive work. You will learn how to be a leader and how to transfer tasks to other workers. It allows you to start a career in government. You will have the option of whether to work in the public or private sector. Non-profit organizations and governments both have career paths that include public administration.
Some of the most important government officials pursued a career in the public administration field. Career paths such as being a Cabinet member for the President, working in the national, provincial and municipality levels are some choices for people with these qualifications.